BCT - Bachelor of Creative Technologies at AUT in Auckland is a multi-disciplinary 3-year degree. Students are asked to keep a blog of their journey, I'm a student, and this is my blog. No doubt I'll be explaining our projects as we go and my personal insights to them. Hopefully it will be mildly interesting.

01 August 2012

What the hell have I done...

I have a couple of weeks break from learning Xcode for a few of different reasons. One I was getting sick of it, two I was actually sick in bed, three, a friend needed my help to do a project that used After Effects (fun when you are sick btw) and four, we had to represent our projects anyway. This small break made everything I had learned fall out of my brain and it all became rather opaque again. I don't know why Objective-C and Xcode is so difficult to pick up for me. Well, actually I can tell you exactly why - it's syntax is completely different for starters - but I don't know why that is causing me so much grief. People code in Objective-C all the time. Some of them didn't know how to code before that. Kids chewing chewing gum into their microphone do youTube tutorials (though I suspect some of them don't quite get what they are doing in any depth, but they can still successfully mimic code that works and make something that works). Anyway this is just me venting because progress has been slow... well, non-existent really, the last 2 weeks. It's not all because I can't do it though I've had a bunch of life obstacles this past week that have really gotten on my nerves. One of them kept me from sleeping at all last night so this afternoon as I try to take in someone's idea of how to do a login form (should be so simple), I can't actually concentrate. So I'll be needing a sleep before I do any more real work I think. Vent over.

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